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Electrical Safety

 This program is intended as an overview of basic electrical safety for individuals with limited electrical training who as a part of their work, may be potentially exposed to electrical hazards. This is an awareness level course for “unqualified persons” as defined by OSHA. Electricity is essential to modern life, both at home and on the job. Some employees work with electricity directly like electricians, electronic workers, and power line workers. Many of us work around electricity but are not qualified to directly handle electrical components, or in other words, not allowed to be potentially exposed to live electrical parts.Here are key elements and topics typically covered in electrical safety training:

1. Basics of Electricity:

  • Understanding the fundamentals of electricity, including voltage, current, and resistance.
  • Familiarity with basic electrical terms and concepts.
  • 2. Types of Electrical Hazards:
  • Identification of various electrical hazards, such as electrical shock, burns, arc flashes, and arc blasts.
  • Understanding the potential consequences of exposure to electrical hazards.
  • 3. Electrical Safety Regulations:
  • Overview of relevant electrical safety regulations and standards, such as OSHA (Occupational Safety and Health Administration) standards in the United States.
  • 4. Lockout/Tagout Procedures:
  • Training on lockout/tagout procedures to control hazardous energy sources during maintenance or repair activities.
  • Importance of isolating electrical equipment before performing work.
  • 5. Safe Work Practices:
  • Guidelines for safe work practices when working with or near electrical equipment.
  • Techniques for avoiding common electrical hazards.
  • 6. Personal Protective Equipment (PPE):
  • Proper selection and use of PPE, including insulated tools, gloves, eye protection, and arc flash clothing.
  • Understanding the limitations of PPE.
  • 7. Electrical Equipment Inspection:
  • Procedures for inspecting electrical equipment for signs of wear, damage, or defects.
  • Recognizing potential issues that may lead to electrical failures.
  • 8. Emergency Response:
  • Training on emergency response procedures in the event of an electrical incident.
  • Proper use of fire extinguishers and other emergency equipment.
  • 9. Safe Use of Tools and Equipment:
  • Guidelines for using electrical tools and equipment safely.
  • Proper maintenance and inspection of tools to prevent electrical incidents.



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