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Internal Auditor- all ISO Stds.

Becoming an Internal Auditor for multiple ISO standards involves specific training to gain the necessary knowledge and skills. Here a general outline of the steps and considerations you might take for training as an Internal Auditor across various ISO standards:


Understand the Basics:

Start by gaining a foundational understanding of the ISO standards relevant to your organization or industry. This may include standards such as ISO 9001 (Quality Management), ISO 14001 (Environmental Management), ISO 45001 (Occupational Health and Safety), ISO 27001 (Information Security), among others.

Select Appropriate Standards:

Identify the ISO standards most relevant to your organization or the industry in which you operate. The specific standards you choose will depend on the nature of your organizations activities.

Training Courses:

Enroll in training courses specifically designed for internal auditors. Look for courses that cover the ISO standards you have identified. These courses are often offered by accredited training organizations and cover the principles of auditing, specific requirements of each standard, and practical audit techniques.

Choose an Accredited Training Provider:

Select a training provider that is accredited by a recognized certification body or authority. This ensures that the training meets certain quality standards and is widely accepted.

ISO 19011 Guidelines:

Familiarize yourself with ISO 19011: Guidelines for auditing management systems. This standard provides guidance on the principles of auditing, managing audit programs, and conducting internal or external audits.

Practical Experience:

Gain practical experience by participating in real audits. This could involve shadowing experienced auditors, conducting joint audits, or being part of an audit team. Practical experience is crucial for applying theoretical knowledge and developing auditing skills.

Obtain Certification:

Consider obtaining formal certification as an Internal Auditor for each relevant ISO standard. Some certification bodies, such as IRCA (International Register of Certified Auditors), offer recognized certifications. Certification involves passing an examination and demonstrating auditing experience.

Stay Updated:

Keep yourself informed about updates and revisions to the ISO standards you are auditing. Standards are periodically revised to ensure relevance and effectiveness, and staying updated is crucial for maintaining your competency.


Join professional associations or networks related to auditing and quality management. Engaging with other auditors and professionals in the field provides opportunities for learning, knowledge exchange, and staying current with industry practices.

Continuing Professional Development (CPD):

Participate in ongoing training and development opportunities. Many certification bodies require auditors to engage in continuing professional development to maintain their certification.

Specialized Training:

Depending on the complexity of your organizations operations, you may consider specialized training in areas such as risk management, supply chain management, or other relevant topics.

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